
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ultimate Multi-tasking

I'm happy to report that I did get my butt in gear and went out for my 5 mile run Saturday morning. It was... uneventful. I guess the honeymoon phase is over. 5 miles is my longest run yet, but somehow I wasn't very excited about it. Maybe it's because I had to take walk breaks every mile, maybe I've lost a little of my enthusiasm, or maybe I'm just jaded now. Regardless, I did it and I'm glad I did.

A while back, I stumbled upon an awesome website full of free audio books. LibriVox has hundreds of titles to choose from, all from the public domain, mostly classics and such. You can download the books in a few ways, I use the 'subscribe to iTunes' version which downloads the books as a series of podcasts. Instead of music, I've been listening to books while I run. Right now I'm in chapter 8 of Little Women, and in book worm heaven. There is never enough time in my days for reading anymore, but now I can multi-task and enjoy two hobbies at once. It's awesome!

Do you listen to books while you run? Or music? Or do you prefer to tune into the sounds of your running instead?

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