
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This Weeks Failures

So, my weekend run did not go as planned. I headed out late on Sunday and ran to a local park intending to just go until I hit 4.25 miles and then turn around. I made it to the 2.5 mi mark before turning, I forgot how quickly the sun sets in fall and was getting a little nervous about being stuck in the dark. I didn't help things by listening to my new Halloween playlist along the way.  This was my view:

as the Halloween theme played, creepy right?

It turns out I made the right decision. Not long after turning, my knee started acting up. At first it wasn't pain but more of a pressure, as if something was trying to force my knee inward. I tried to run though it but soon it became painful and I had to walk. My hips started killing me as soon as I began to walk. It's the same pain I've been dealing with for the past few weeks but I have never hurt like this. So here I am, limping home, walking til I can't anymore and then running til I can't, just wanting to be home before full dark. In all, I hobbled only 4.8 of my 8.5 miles.

After class today I went to the Student Health Center to talk with the RN. She gave me some stretches to do and recommended plenty of Motrin. Unfortunately she also thinks it's likely the problem could be osteoarthritis rather than simply ITBS. Great, huh? She told me that after the Tinkerbell run in January, I should think seriously about choosing a new hobby. I don't know what my long-term running plans are but being told I can't (or at least shouldn't) continue is pretty disheartening. I had a very vague notion of someday finishing a full marathon and was at least hoping for another half. 

For now, I'm all about pain management. Thank goodness for foam rollers!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your knee is OK!

    I absolutely avoid running in the dark, or any time close to the dark, so I understand!
